Installng Serum Skin Serum Skin Installation Guide Windows & Mac Installation 1. Open Serum, hit the "MENU" button within Serum, and press on the "Show Serum Presets folder" option. 2. Once the Serum folder opens, open the "Skins" folder. 3. Now copy our skin folders "Serum 2049" & "Serum 2049 with key assist" and paste both folders into the Serum "Skins" folder. 4. Reload Serum. Hit the Serum logo in the top left corner. Hover over "Skin" and select our skin "Serum 2049" skin. (or with key assist) 5. Hit the Serum logo in the top left corner. Hover over "Skin" and select "Set current skin as default". Compatibility To avoid any compatibility issues, we recommend using the latest version of Xfer Serum. If you need to update your Serum instance or need help updating, reach out to the developer at |